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WERLAHO EZGO Charger 36 Volt Powerwise Charger Board Charger Power Control Board Replacement 28667G01 28566G01 28566-G01 28566-G03 28126-G01 28667-G01 28126GO3

⛳ Fits EZGO Powerwise Chargers 1994-Up

⛳ Replace Charger Power Control and Power input board,Including 50A fuse , Insulated pillar and Instructions.

⛳ Replace 28667G01 28566G01 28566-G01 28566-G03 28126-G01 28667-G01 28126GO3

⛳If the battery voltage is lower than 28V, the relay will not work. If you encounter a non-working board, check the battery voltage. Please refer to the wiring diagram to connect the wires correctly.

⛳ If you have any question ,Please contact us first. thanks.

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